Plans: Rabbet Plane from a Chisel


Rabbet planes can be expensive, but you can make this one for FREE with only a chisel and some scraps of wood. The laminated construction makes this project approachable even for beginners.


Rabbet planes can be expensive, but you can make this one for FREE with only a chisel and some scraps of wood. The laminated construction makes this project approachable even for beginners.

Rabbet planes can be expensive, but you can make this one for FREE with only a chisel and some scraps of wood. The laminated construction makes this project approachable even for beginners.

This rabbet plane works just as well as a commercial one, but requires nothing but a chisel to make. You’ll make it from laminated scraps, so each part can be made individually and then glued together to make the finished product. This plane costs nothing to make and is approachable even for beginning woodworkers.